Our 2021 Lenten Project is a partnership with four community organizations that are well known to our community of faith: The Mustard Seed, the Calgary Pregnancy Care Center, the Sonshine Centre and Inn From the Cold. In previous years, we have partnered with international organizations like Food for the Hungry for our Lenten Project. Yet as we look at our own city in 2021, we see the heartbreaking ramifications of an ongoing pandemic . As we prayed about this year’s project, we sensed a calling for Southview to “Love Calgary” by supporting four organizations who have done exemplary work in loving the people of our city.

The Mustard Seed has done incredible work for the homeless through their shelters and programs and are now seeking to extend their work with a brand new “Hub” in the Manchester area. Seed Hubs provide bag lunches, employment services, clothing, friendship, and spiritual encouragement.

The Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre seeks to build friendships with people facing the question of how to manage an unexpected pregnancy.  They aim to come alongside women and couples to answer the many questions that arise and present options and support through the decision-making process and beyond.

The vision of the Sonshine Centre is to develop a community where women and children can live safely in a healthy environment. The organization manages a bustling 24-unit apartment building where they offer a full-year residential program, followed by 6 months of follow-up for single moms.

Inn From the Cold provides emergency shelter and supportive housing for homeless families. A stable home situation is critical for children and families to thrive. Inn From the Cold also provides follow up consultations in financial literacy and job training and makes it their mission to love families in need.

All four of these organizations are long-time partners of Southview. We love the work they do in our city and by resourcing them, we believe that we are loving Calgary in a difficult time. At the end of this year’s Lenten Project, we will divide all funds received evenly among the four organizations. Each of these groups, in their own unique and specific calling, has sprouted up and grown here in our city as a symbol of God’s love and care for those in need. Our prayer is that God would heal and bless many in our city through this year’s Lent project. As you learn more about these organizations and the work they’re doing in Calgary, please prayerfully consider a gift.