live generously

Jesus embodied generosity, giving all of himself.

As we seek to follow him; we desire to live generously with our lives and our finances for the sake of Christ and his kingdom. To learn more about living generously, watch our Simplicity & Generosity teaching series, or watch these stories of how God provides beyond just our finances.

Choosing to live with a generous spirit is one of the most powerful decisions we can make. Each week countless people join us both onsite and online and are impacted and blessed through our ministries and our spaces.  As we near the end of this year, please prayerfully ask God what He would have you do. Your sacrificial year-end gifts are part of the annual lifeline in our ability to minister, especially in these times of stress and challenge to our church family. Our year depends greatly on your giving in December.


ways to give

Thank you for being willing to give toward what God is doing at Southview! We are committed to using your tithes and offerings in a way that honours the Lord. 

Give Online

Give conveniently online via credit card. Follow the link below to set up your account.

Text to Give

Text "Southview" to 73256. You will receive a response guiding you to complete your gift using a credit card.

Debit & Credit Stations

Debit and credit machines are available at the Welcome Centre, Resource Centre and Southview Church Office for your convenience.

Automatic Bank Withdrawal

To have funds withdrawn directly from your bank account, pick up an auto-tithe form from the Welcome Centre or fill out the form below.

Cash & Cheques

Please make cheques payable to Southview Alliance Church. Cheques can be placed in the offering basket, dropped off at the church office, or mailed to: 20200 Walden Blvd SE, Calgary AB, T2X 0N4

Planned Giving

Planned giving of securities allows you to invest into God's Kingdom in a tax efficient way. Planned giving needs prayerful consideration. Please contact us for more information.

Southview General Fund: supports all other operations of Southview church, including ministry expenses, staff wages, and occupancy expenses.

Building Fund: supports acquiring, building and maintaining property and retiring debt.

Benevolent Fund: assists congregants and others in the community who are in need.

Southview Missions Fund: supports our domestic and foreign missions.

Global Advance Fund (CM&A): supports least-reached groups worldwide and is the primary means of providing for our Alliance workers.


Every online transaction is subject to a processing fee from the services that ensure that these transactions are safe and secure.  By checking the optional “Processing costs” box you are ensuring that we get the full amount intended with your gift.  The additional processing cost will be included on your tax receipt.​

If you give with your credit card on Realm, simply log in to your Realm account to make changes to the frequency or amount of your automatic giving. If you give via automatic bank withdrawal, email accounting to request the change. Please allow 5 days for your request to be completed.

If you have a Realm account, you will receive your tax receipt via email in February following the donation year. If we do not have an email address on our system, tax receipts will be generated and available for pick up on weekends for three weeks every February. If you have lost your receipt, please email accounting to request a new one.

frequently asked questions