
at southview church

Final Update: May 2024

Three weeks ago, we had the pleasure of having Ryan and Christana Graham here with us to candidate for Senior Pastor. It was a great weekend topped off with a fantastic town hall meeting with so many of you participating in that. We don’t have an official number but estimate that 350-400 people were in attendance so thank you for coming and being a part of that.

The following week, Roy Harvey and Alden Harms announced on behalf of the Board of Elders that an offer was extended to Ryan and he has accepted our offer to be Southview’s next Senior Pastor!

Ryan has some details to wrap up with his role at the National Office, including participating in General Assembly at the beginning of July, before taking some time off and officially starting with us on August 1st!

Please pray for Ryan and Christana as they prepare to transition from Toronto to Calgary over the coming months and for their kids as they begin a new phase in their lives away from mom and dad.

We as a Board want to say a big thank you to you, the congregation! Thank you for praying, for fasting, and for seeking God’s face individually and collectively over these last many months – thank you, our Southview family, for being a part of the journey!

With Ryan’s acceptance of our offer, we also are able to wrap up and bring to a close the efforts of the Search Team. This was not a light task that they were asked to be a part of. Thank you for your willingness to serve, your faithfulness to the process and your diligence in seeking God’s will.

God is good, He has answered our prayers, and we are thankful! He is doing a new thing in us individually and as a congregation and He continues to build His Church.


Nov 2022

Nov 2022-May 2023

March 25, 2023

May - June 2023

June 10 & 11, 2023

June 2023

April 20 & 21, 2024

April 2024

April 2024

August 1, 2024

Clyde announces retirement plans for end of ministry year (June 2023)

Identification of Strengths & Growth Areas

Announcement of Sam Seifert as Interim Senior Leader

Development of Ministry Description & Profile for Senior Pastor

Clyde Glass’ final weekend as Senior Pastor

Search and candidating process

Ryan Graham Candidating Weekend

Recommendation to the Western Canadian District of the C&MA

Western Canadian District appointment of the Senior Pastor

First day for Ryan Graham, new Senior Pastor


Nov 2022

Clyde announces retirement plans for end of ministry year (June 2023)

Nov 2022-May 2023

Identification of Strengths & Growth Areas

March 25, 2023

Announcement of Sam Seifert as Interim Senior Leader

May - June 2023

Development of Ministry Description & Profile for Senior Pastor

June 10 & 11

Pastor Clyde’s final weekend as Senior Pastor

June 2023

Search and candidating process

April 20 & 21, 2024

Ryan Graham Candidating Weekend

April 2024

Recommendation to the Western Canadian District of the C&MA

April 2024

Western Canadian District appointment of the Senior Pastor

August 1, 2024

First day for Ryan Graham, new Senior Pastor

Our Search Team

Don Kowalenko

Andrew Shareski

John Nichols

Deonne McCausland

John Amusan

Val LeBlanc

Michelle Duimel

Renate Yakielashek


Southview’s mission remains to lead as many as possible to passionately follow Jesus and our focus continues to be forming disciples who make disciples.

We begin with prayer. Asking God to guide, lead and reveal His will for Southview.

Succession Planning phase – Through discussions with the Pastoral and support staff, Elders, Ministry Leaders, and the congregation, the Succession Planning team gathers information about where Southview is at as a body. Identifying what areas we are doing well in and where there are growth opportunities.

This information is reviewed and grouped into overarching themes that will provide the Ministry Description for the next Senior Pastor. That Ministry description will then be used to develop the Senior Pastor Profile, Job Description and Posting.

The Succession Planning Team will meet with the Search Team to provide an overview of how the Ministry Description, the Senior Pastor Profile, Job Description and Posting were developed and release them to carry out the search, candidating and recommendation to the Western Canadian District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.

Search Team phase – During this time the Search team will seek out candidates through the job posting, and discussions with resources, such as the Western Canadian District, other churches, Ambrose University, and retired Alliance pastors, who are well tied into the Alliance community.

The Search team will provide their recommendation to the Western Canadian District of the C&MA. The District will have final approval and will ultimately be the body to appoint the next Senior Pastor to Southview.

Ryan will begin his role as Senior Pastor on August 1, 2024.

Southview Alliance Ministry Profile & Senior Pastor Application Information

Located in Calgary’s southeast community of Walden, Southview Alliance Church is walking through a time of discernment as we seek God’s direction in who He has as our next Senior Pastor.

Southview is looking for:

A leader with a strong Biblical foundation and a passion for teaching the whole counsel of Scripture, eager to embrace and communicate the vision God has given to Southview, and mobilize the church’s leaders and congregation to pursue and live it out. 

An individual with a welcoming and hospitable spirit, longing to create an atmosphere of comfort and community marked by love. 

Someone able to demonstrate love and care for all people through words and actions of blessing and compassion, empathize with the struggles and joys experienced by the church body, and a heart for missions with an enthusiasm about developing innovative approaches to demonstrate love and service to our local community and beyond.

Please see the full Ministry Profile and application information below.