Our 2019 Lenten Project is a partnership with Food for the Hungry to provide support for agriculture, education, and leadership development in the Sasiga Mid Highlands region of Ethiopia. This region is home to thousands of people and has a connection to our own church family, as many Southview members sponsor Sasiga children through Food for the Hungry.
Big impact comes in small packages. Whether a small seed, a shovel, or a tree sapling, all lead to a greener, more fruitful, and tastier future. Empower a family with the means to grow nutritious food and surplus produce to sell for profit. Included is localized training on crop rotation and compost use and other techniques to help yield great harvests. Even as tiny seeds, they pack an impressive punch.
Fruit & Veggie Seeds: $5
Garden Tools: $45
Tree Sapling: $114
Bright and eager kids in Sasiga deserve an education, and they want it. Whether you “See Spot Run” or need a diagram of the human body, books are for everyone. The joy of learning to read is one of the most magical experiences of childhood. When you give books, you’re stocking schools with quality literature as well as hope. With knowledge comes the confidence for these children to try new things and assume leadership roles in the community.
Bundle of Books: $20
Shelf of Books: $90
School Library: $1140
Community and church leaders are key to sustainable development success. Fostering unity and building their capacity to lead the community in development goals and plan for emergencies is vital. Informally these men and women are setting examples for the rest of the community in changing behaviours and implementing new ideas whether in farming, caring for their children
at home, or serving others in the community.
Business Mentorship for Unemployed Youth: $50
Principal Professional Development: $75
Risk Management Course: $250