Put simply, we are not meant to embark on the journey of faith alone.
Meeting with other followers of Christ extends far beyond a cursory handshake or passing greeting in the parking lot on a Sunday morning. There are many outlets for those seeking community at Southview. You may feel lead to fellowship with others in a small group. You may consider joining a weekly Bible study. You might sign up to serve in a Southview ministry or in our local community. Or you might join a Pursuit hiking or cycling group.
Or perhaps, you might simply sit with a friend, meeting them in a difficult space to walk with them through adversity, and remembering that wherever two or more are gathered, Jesus is present among you.
Fellowship is foundational. As followers of Christ, we are called to encourage, challenge, and support each other. The iron-sharpening-iron effect that we read about in Proverbs 27 is honed and refined in a church community that understands the deep need in all of us for companionship and acceptance.
If you’re seeking community at Southview, the resources below are a great place to start. Our prayer, like Paul’s, is that we would “not stop meeting together … but encouraging one another – and all the more as [we] see the Day approaching.”