When Paul wrote the letter to the Romans, it seems like one of his goals was to help a divided community come together, unified in Christ. In our current series, Transformed, we are beginning to see how all of the theology that Paul laid out is now taking form in what it means to live in community. And this past weekend, Sam brought our focus to the Spiritual Gifts.
If you have yet to join in with our Online Liturgy this weekend, you can watch it here. You can also tune into the sermon in podcast form wherever you get your podcasts from. Just search for “Southview Alliance Church” and look for our symbol)
I loved the encouragement that Sam gave that knowing what our spiritual gifts are is secondary to seeking to encourage the faith of each other. And, in fact, as we seek to encourage each other’s faith, we will very likely discover how God has uniquely gifted us. Serving is one of the best ways to discover, which makes so much sense because there is no hierarchy to the gifts; they all exist for the building up and encouragement of the other. And the Church needs all of them to be freely and fully expressed that it may truly be the Body of Christ.
So as we reflect on the gifts and explore together what their unleashing could look like at Southview, let’s hold on to Sam (and Paul’s) encouragement that self-giving Love is the root from which the gifts grow.
To help us as we continue to sit in this teaching over the coming week, and explore what God could be saying to us and what we are going to do about it, we want to pass on these additional resources:
This RightNow Media study will offer a deep dive into discovering how God has made you and help you “lay hold of what Christ Jesus laid hold of for you” (Philippians 3:12). Please note that this study requires a RightNow Media account which we are happy to set you up with at no cost if you don’t have one.
Although the best way to discover our spiritual gifts is through serving each other, tools like this can be very helpful in pointing us in a direction to start.
Peace of Christ be with you all this week.