There are moments when God speaks to us in powerful ways that challenge our assumptions or maybe just shake us up a bit. The discovery of the unmarked grave of 215 children on the grounds of a former residential school in Kamloops has been one of those moments.
Fragments | Unanswered Prayer
Sam shares some additional thoughts on the topic of Unanswered Prayer as follow up to our May 8/9th teaching.
An Introduction to Spiritual Gifts
Sam spoke about Spiritual Gifts this past weekend. Join us for a quick introduction and some resources on this topic to help you explore your giftings more thoroughly.
Practicing Humility | Judy Wiebe
Humility is the desire to become more like Jesus, as he chose to pursue love over power. How do we cultivate a gentle and humble heart for such a time as this? Pull out your journal and take some time for reflection.
Breath Prayer | Judy Wiebe
Breath prayers are simple words or phrases that help you to centre on God within the space of an inhale and exhale. Try this prayer method as you go about your week.
Prayer of Examen | Judy Wiebe
The prayer of examen is a prayer of intentionality. It’s a way that we take notice of God moving and working in our lives by asking two key questions: where was I aware of God’s presence today, and where did I resist God today? Read on to learn more.
Parish Ministry | Myra Brown
This is a difficult season for many. In this week’s midweek worship, Myra Brown guides us through what parish ministry looks like when our physical parish (the church building) is temporarily closed. We are all called to do God’s work in expanding His Kingdom, but what does that look like during a global pandemic?
Bible Reading | Jon Coutts
This week, Jon Coutts talks about scheduling Bible reading into your daily and weekly life. As we reach out in reading and taking to heart God’s Word, what new things might he reveal to us? There are many Bible reading plans available; this article will help you determine the best one for you.
Taking Scripture to Heart | Bill McAlpine
Memorizing Scripture is a discipline that requires time and patience, but can have sustained and lasting impact on your spiritual life. Join Dr Bill McAlpine in this week’s midweek worship to hear about how Scripture memorization has shaped and formed his faith.