For each of the categories, feel free to pray your thoughts or feelings, or to read scripture aloud. If you are alone, consider writing your prayers and responses in a prayer journal.
Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven. Psalm 107:28-30
This is a celebration of who God is through history and still is today. Adoration can be done through your own words or through reading Scripture (like Psalm 34, for example).
This is a time of repentance, which can be done in silence individually, or by reading the following aloud (particularly if in a group):
Most merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you
in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved you with our whole heart;
we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.
We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ,
have mercy on us and forgive us,
that we may delight in your will,
and walk in your ways,
to the glory of your name.
Remember that following any confession, it is important to follow it with the encouraging words of absolution! If praying in a group, one person can read the following aloud:
But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:4-9
Give thanks to God for His forgiveness, and also the abundant gifts He gives in our lives.
Bring your individual needs and the needs of others to Him. Pray for our city, country, and world.
Our Heavenly Father, we trust that you are good and do good. Teach us to be your faithful people. Help us to follow in the footsteps of our faithful shepherd, Jesus, who laid down his life for the sake of love. Glorify his name as you equip us with everything needed for doing your will.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.